BARÜ will investigate the urban suitability of micromobility vehicles through university-industry collaboration

Yayın Tarihi : 26/09/2024
With the TÜBİTAK project advised by Bartın University (BARÜ), solutions will be offered for sustainable urban planning through artificial intelligence-based smart transportation systems.

The project titled 'Micro Mobility Impact Simulator: Economic, Environmental, and Social Decision Support Tool for Sustainable Urban Planning,' under the TÜBİTAK 1501-Industry R&D Support Program and supervised by Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Bayram Dündar from the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture, and Design at Bartın University (BARÜ), has been deemed worthy of support. The project, led by Dr. Ali Onuralp Ünal, CEO of Tripy Mobility Teknoloji A.Ş., has been allocated a budget of 6 million TRY. Various studies will be carried out within this project to support sustainable urban mobility.

With the project, artificial intelligence-based systems and optimization methods will be used to conduct a benefit analysis of sustainable transportation models from environmental, economic, and social perspectives. This will allow for the high-accuracy forecasting of a city's suitability for electric vehicles even in the planning phase. The data obtained will contribute to planning aimed at developing the technological infrastructure of cities for sustainable transportation.

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