About Us

Facts& Figures

Did you know?

  • In 2020, Bartın University is listed among 3 thousand 897 universities ranked in SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) for the first time and is ranked as the 605th university in overall ranking of the universities and as the 389th university under research factor.
  • In 2020, Bartın University has stepped up 3 thousand 879 steps since 2017. Bartın University ranked 7.037 in 2017 and today, in 2020, the university ranked 3.158 in overall world ranking with an increase of 3.879 steps.
  • +1000 International Students from 3 continents and +60 countries
  • +18000 Current Students
  • 9 Faculties
  • 4 Schools
  • 1 Graduate School
  • +13000 Publications
  • +600 Academicians
  • +20000 Alumni