Bartın University has been ranked 605th among universities around the world
Yayın Tarihi : 24/08/2020
Bartın University is listed among 3 thousand 897 universities ranked in SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) for the first time this year and is ranked as the 605th university in overall ranking of the universities while it has been ranked as the 389th university under research factor.
SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR) has been ranking academic and research-related institutions using three set of indicators based on research performance, innovation output and societal impact which is measured by the web visibility of the institution since 2009. For the first time, since 2009, Bartın University is ranked in SIR and is ranked the 605th university among all 3 thousand 897 universities from all around the world.
In research performance factor, on the other hand, Bartın University is ranked the 389th university among higher education institutions in world ranking.
Among all 7 thousand 26 universities and research-based institutions in the ranking, Bartın University is ranked 800th and achieved a significant success with this ranking.
Of all the universities in Turkey, 112 are listed in SIR and Bartın University is ranked 37th in research performance among these 112 universities.
“We are covering a lot of distance every year”
Bartın University Rector Uzun shortly introduced SCImago Institutions Ranking and said: “We made a fast entry to SIR this year and I believe we will have a better ranking next year.”
Uzun said: “SCImago Institutions Ranking has been ranking academic and research-related institutions since 2009 under research performance, innovation output and social impact by web visibility. The ranking is made using the results of a period of five years ending two years before the ranking. So that means, the 2020 results include the five-year period between 2014-2018. And the criterion to be included in the ranking is to have at least 100 works in SCOPUS database in the last year of the selected period. This year’s ranking used data from 2014-2018. Considering the fact that Bartın University increased the number of publications more than twice in 2019, we can say that our rise in this and similar rankings will continue. We had 125 international publications in 2017, 178 publications in 2018 and 257 publications in 2019.”